Relationships Chart

Sacred Energy Reading to See Essence in your Relationship Dynamics

Eliz REL Chart-3This is a sacred energy reading to see Essence in your relationship dynamics and how to operate more harmoniously in them through a deeper understanding of Self and others.

Relationships Chart is not only a symbol of your whole Self, but it expands to being a symbol of your whole family, and your relationships with others. It gives you a reading of your significant relationships and the real dynamics you’re dealing with, all in one chart.

By revealing the Essence alignment and specific energy connections through seven layers, it’s a tool to understand your relationships more objectively by seeing Essence in your relationship with your Self and others.

Knowing someone else’s Essence type helps you look for and focus on nurturing and relating with their Essence, instead of just their Personality. It expands and deepens your ability to recognize their deeper layers and connect at deeper levels.

Knowing and looking for Essence is a way of relating from the inside-out (instead of the outside-in). You know more objectively what’s truly in alignment (what to nurture) and what can be released.

In a glance you can see the layers of energies that you have in common, or not. This helps you see the similarities (as well as the differences) in how you and others approach, relate to and interpret the world.

In some instances, it can also be used as a way to read whether the energy you’re expressing is from your own real and true nature, or whether you are processing energy patterns you have picked up from others, or generational patterns that you are here to transmute.

(Includes article: “What Type is Best for Me, and Four Ways to Give & Receive Love”)

The Relationships Chart allows you to know the Essence, Being & Personality type of your mates, children, family, friends, clients, students, business associates, teammates, employees, boss – or anyone you wish to know more about.

For parents, teachers, counselors and coaches, knowing the real and true nature of others gives you a jump in time by knowing what’s going to be the best service and work the fastest for them.

The 31-page report gives you the tools to communicate more effectively, while honing your own skills of targeting the most effective personalized recommendations for them.

“My Relationships Chart helped me begin to see myself and my connection with others in a much deeper and more engaging way, and take a closer look at how various relationships in my life feel. Even more profoundly, how I can offer more richness to my interactions with others through a greater understanding of myself and others. It helped me to see that I can embrace both our similarities as well as our differences, and has made me appreciate my relationships so much more and to value them on an entirely different level. Thank you so much.” ~ Corina B.

“Because of growing up in a dysfunctional family, I have deep gratitude for this wonderful gift of seeing and understanding my parents, brothers, and even ex-husbands in a different light. This gave me a deeper level of peace. I love seeing my entire family all together in this one chart!”  ~Virginia S.

I love this as a healing tool. I was glad I put my entire family on my Relationships Chart, because while I was visiting them for a few months I was able to give more specific advice that helped each of them in many different areas. It also helped me see and understand the energies I was noticing in my boyfriend, and how to relate and communicate with him in a way that works better for both of us.” ~Maria S.

Relationships: What Type is Best for Me? (and Four Ways to Give & Receive Love)

Have you ever wondered what kind of relationship, or what type of person is best for you? This article helps you understand the three stages and three levels of relationships, along with three questions to ask about your current relationships, or before embarking on your next relationship. This is key to attracting the most effective relationships into your life, as well as relating with children and loved ones. (This is 14-page article is included with the Relationships Chart.)

“This was amazingly insightful. I loved what you said about family generational patterns, and the way you laid things out helped me assess my relationship with my mate – and especially how to relate if we aren’t the same type. The combinations of different types was also very helpful in understanding the dynamics of many relationships throughout my life. You nailed it with the way we give and receive love.” ~Kristy A.

Relationships Chart + Article: Value $150.00, Now only $111.00 for up to 10 people.  [$10.00 per person over 10] (This requires receiving and then filling out a simple form with the data for each person and returning this information before your Relationships Chart can be created [please allow a week]. After the Chart is created, two PDF files will be emailed to that same email address for you to open and view online or print.)

Private Session: Value $125.00, Now only $99.00 (One-hour zoom session to ask questions, get personalized guidance and recommendations. When you include a Private Session with your Relationships Chart, you also receive the 36-page pamphlet: Expanding & Deepening working with the Relationships Chart to increase Light, Read Energy, Identify Generational Patterns & Baby Essence Gifts for Family & Relationship Healing.)

Combo Relationships Chart + Private Session: Value $275.00, Now only $188.00

How to Get It:

Please pay for the chart at

Mobile Banking PayPal:    or    CashApp cashtag: $jumpintime

and then send an email to: with “Relationships Chart info” in the subject line.

The Relationships Chart instructions and a fillable PDF form will be emailed to you at that same email address. Once you fill out and return the form, your Relationships Chart will be created, and two PDF files with your Relationships Chart and article will be emailed to you for you to read online or print.

If you choose the chart with a private session, we will set a mutually agreed upon time for a one-hour zoom session for you to ask questions, receive personalized guidance and recommendations, and I look forward to working with you.

Other Chart Offerings:

Sacred Typology Chart

Personality Chart

All 3 Charts