
(Many of these articles are included in the Full Commonplacer program.)

Value Self & Expand Self Love & Heart-Centered Consciousness by Aligning your Activities with your Deeper Values to Raise your Frequency Above the Turmoil

How are you feeling and experiencing life right now? You’re not alone if you’re feeling wobbly, overly sensitive, emotional, confused or exhausted from all the turmoil happening in the world right now. Or maybe you’re tapping into higher frequencies of creativity, peace, love and joy more often than you have ever experienced before? Or maybe you’re experiencing some of both?

Don’t be alarmed about whatever you are experiencing right now because humanity and Mother Earth are in the midst of the biggest energetic shift in consciousness that we have ever experienced together. Everything in this universe is energy – including you. So learning how to ‘read energy’ and manage your own energies, as well as understanding the energetics of what is happening in our world, will allow you to maintain greater balance in an ever-changing world. It will also allow you to see a bigger picture instead of focusing on the human drama.

Do you ever experience repeating old habits or patterns that no longer serve you? If so, that’s considered a horizontal path. On the vertical ascension path your values are a constantly evolving process, and there is a specific way the internal energy flows during the process of making conscious choices, which then allows you to spiral up and ascend. This article expands the definition of activities and gives you an ancient ascension tool to help you make conscious choices that align your activities with your deeper values. (19 pages)

Methods of Determining Type – Are We Seeing Essence or Conditions?

This article is especially for those who have been involved with some form of Tantra, Ayurveda or yoga and have taken an Ayurveda test or had a pulse diagnosis as the means of determining their dosha type. Over the years I’ve encountered many people who have been told their type is “such and such” and it doesn’t match up with their Sacred Typology Chart. That can be for many different reasons, some of which will be shared in this article.

The quick answer is that layer three of the Sacred Typology Chart is about Essence, the spiritual science of Tantra and the classical traditional medicine of Ayurveda. For thousands of years the deeper knowledge has been kept secret from the masses and shared only with the select few. The modern day Ayurveda tests are safe for the masses, but not the way that Essence type was determined by ancient classical traditional medicines. (22 pages)

What is Your Relationship to Journaling?

Some people have a negative relationship to journaling. I’ve heard things like: I can’t write, I have nothing to say, I don’t know how to do it, I don’t like to write things down, or I’m not interested in telling stories, etc. That may not be your attitude about journaling, but let’s talk about some of these things right up front to get them out of the way. (6 pages)

The 4 R’s: Rest, Relaxation, Regularity & Rhythm – How Sleep & Dreams Unroll the Energy Centers

This article lays a foundation for understanding our energy centers in the context of living a natural health and life, and defines some of the terms and concepts that are used throughout this body of work. One of the first symptoms of our energy becoming disturbed is a change in our sleep patterns, and this clarifies some things about sleep and the four R’s. (10 pages)

Reversing Dis-ease: The General Reversal Process & Which Direction Are You Going – Ascending or Descending?

Can we really reverse disease? In this day and age of increasing rates of illness, the idea of curing disease may sound like a ‘miracle’ and too good to be true. Or, perhaps you’re thinking the same thing a young man in college exclaimed: “No way – if that’s possible, then why doesn’t everyone know about this?!?”

Nature has been curing disease as long as we’ve been around. However, a lot of people would lose their jobs if there was no more sickness on this planet. What would happen to all the hospitals, doctors, nurses, insurance and pharmaceutical companies? This question probably needs to be answered before a major shift in that system can take place. (19 pages)

Reversing Cancer with Essiac Tea

This article is what I documented from my own experience of working with Essiac tea. I share my own experience mainly to help simplify what to do and how it works. It is given in a spirit of helping you get started more easily, as well as answering some questions the mind comes up with as it goes through a reversal process. (11 pages)

Natural Typological Sweeteners (and What’s Wrong with Sugar?)

Did you know that sugar is a toxic poison, and may even be bad for your brain? Have you switched from sugar to using “sugar-free substitutes” instead? Do you think “diet” sodas are better for you? This article exposes some of the consumer cons about sugar and sugar-substitutes. It defines what natural typological sweeteners are, why they are healthier for you, and how to use them in your daily lifestyle. Each type needs its own type of sweetener, and you’ll learn the best one for your type. Typological recipes give you ways to begin using typological foods in your everyday lifestyle.

Three Primary Root Causes of all Diseases and the Medicine to Heal Them

This article connects the dots between what Classical Traditional Medicines feel are the three primary classical illnesses that are root causes for all diseases that we experience as human beings; how those show up as illnesses and attitudes in our modern world; and the natural remedies or medicine that is within our own hands to heal them. It also shares how the sickness and health mentalities are completely different mindsets that are based on different belief systems and perspectives that live in completely different worlds of reality, and move in opposite directions. (8 pages)

Microwaving Destroys Vital Life Force Energy, Alters the Blood & Causes All Three Modern Illnesses

What else can you do to start eliminating whatever health conditions you may be experiencing? Sometimes eliminating disease is as simple as just eliminating what has been causing harm in the first place. It’s not always that simple, yet doing whatever you can to make choices to eliminate what harms your health and energy goes a long way towards increasing your health, well-being and vitality.

One of the simplest things you can do that makes a HUGE difference in your health and energy is to STOP eating or drinking anything that has been microwaved. The danger goes way beyond EMF microwaves leaking from the unit. In 1976, microwaves were totally banned in the Soviet Union after research showed that they break down the human vital energy field and degenerate electrical nerve impulses in our cells and brain. (6 pages)

What Is & Isn’t Adequate Exercise; How Energy Moves in the Body; Line A & Line B Energy; Creating New Will & States of Being

This article shares how we can get our energies to flow through our Self and our Life. Understanding how energy moves and flows through the body, and the difference between Line A energy and Line B energy, helps us to manage different kinds of energy for greater balance in all three stories. Knowing the deeper purpose of exercise helps us choose what is and isn’t adequate exercise for us. What makes us a real human Being, and not just a Personality type, is the balance of energy that we establish in all three stories. (18 pages)

Conscious Exercise for Ascension: Internal Exercises for External Forms/Movements (Being the Bridge between Heaven & Earth)

When I was teaching formal yoga classes at a self-development university in the 1980’s and 90’s some people thought yoga was ‘from the devil’. These days mass consciousness has shifted and there are thousands of yoga teachers and many churches even open their space for yoga classes. But when you can get a yoga teacher certificate in two weeks, what is being taught?

This article discusses the difference between unconscious and conscious exercise, as well as conscious exercise for ascension. What is required for psychophysical and psychospiritual re-connection? What is a multi-dimensional experience, and how are we the bridge between heaven and earth? As with any area we focus on, there is a journey that moves us from beginner to intermediate to advanced mastery levels of experience and understanding. Then I share some internal exercises for external forms and movements for you to choose what feels best for you to incorporate into your own exercise program at this time. (12 pages)

Muscle Response Testing (MRT): The Ultimate Psychophysical Technique

Muscle Response Testing (MRT for short) is a method of gathering accurate biofeedback on the body’s physiological and psychological state by stimulating the muscular system. The body’s cells know their entire history and what they require to regain full physical, emotional and mental health. MRT is a way to retrieve the knowledge imbedded into the cellular memory of the muscular system, as well as the subconscious mind, making it the ultimate psychophysical technique. (8 pages)

How Attitudes Create Relationships & Quality of Life – Healing our Heart Heals Relationship with Self & Others

This article takes a deep dive into how our attitudes determine our relationships and quality of Life. Understanding what attitudes are, and how to identify positive, negative and negating attitudes allows you to take your power back from the attitudes. Knowing how to partner with the divine to transform, transmute and transubstantiate energy heals your relationship with your Self and others; while the five great Longings help to develop real and true emotions and feelings. (22 pages)

Soul Truths: The Magic of a Soul Sigh – Ask Your Soul Questions: The Answers Are Within

What is a sigh? There are many definitions of what it means to take-in and then release-out a deep breath. As a kid I had what the doctors called ‘fake asthma’ where I was taking excessive deep breaths. From the physical perspective, this can indicate a physical respiratory condition, or increased levels of stress, anxiety, depression. But research indicates that sighing is a natural part of lung function. The deeper meaning of a sigh depends on how and why the sigh was activated. (6 pages)

The Heart & Soul Relationship to Goals – Expanding the Mind & Rising Above Resistance

Our reality is created by our focus (mind) and our feelings (heart). Creating intentions is feeling, seeing and moving into a timeline of future possibilities that Feel Good to us, and then grounding them into the physical body and physical form to create a new reality at a new level of Being. When it comes to the mind, some people need to practice eliminating distractions and learn how to focus the mind, while others already have the ability to focus the mind and need to expand the mind from a narrow, concentrated focus and bring the Heart into the equation. (12 pages)

The Stress Connection, Stress Test & Setting Goals by the Pentad

This article takes a deep dive into the effects of stress on our mind and psychological well-being, and the dangers of chronic stress. There is a stress test that helps you assess your level of stress. Setting goals by the pentad is a fun way to look at outer and inner goals, as well as short and long term goals in all areas of your Life and Self.

According to Classical Traditional Medicines, all health begins with the health of the mind. The health of the mind depends on the health of the body. Physical and mental health requires creating positive attitudes about our Self as the basis for our mental health and psychological well-being. (16 pages)

Putting it All Together: Aim-Purpose-Direction-Destiny-Soul Contracts & The Sacred Laws of Essence, Being & Personality

La Note energy is about how things are structured and organized more objectively in the bigger picture, and this article puts it all together by explaining aim, the universal sacred laws of Essence-Being-Personality, how to connect with our life purpose-aim-direction-destiny; how to access our soul, high Heart and develop real emotions and feelings; and how both masculine and feminine energies are required to work back and forth in tandem to uncover the divine plan of what our soul came here to be and do. (28 pages)

How Gandhi used Six States of Being to Liberate Essence, with Six Movies & Role Models for Uncovering Our Destiny

Traditional Western Medicine feels that making use of the Life and Self pentads is an important step to uncovering our aim, and considers the idea of conscious attachment as a way of getting there. This article uses a modern form of conscious attachment to play with the process of uncovering your own aim, purpose and destiny.

Conscious Entertainment uses biographical movies of historical figures and celebrities as a fun way to share examples of role models of typological energies. Movies also provide easy access to notice and learn about these energies in the comfort of your own home. (13 pages)

The Cosmic, Historical & Soul Perspectives; The Doctrine of I’s & How to Create a “Real I” in You; Self-Mastery: Three Stages of Waking Up

What does it mean to “Be who you really are”? The answer to that question depends on your perspective and what you base your identity on. This article expands the perspective to bridge the macrocosmic view and soul perspectives, with the microcosmic view of your Self, the three stages of waking up in the process of becoming more conscious, and how to create a centralized, unified “Real I” in you that is being real and true and authentic. (30 pages)

Objective Evaluation Process: Written Evaluations as a Collection Exercise

A written evaluation is a form of collection exercise by collecting and grounding all the soul lessons learned (even if it felt tough learning them) and shifting our relationship and perspective to a higher level awareness that sees how it was all for the good – all for our betterment in the context of growth and evolution of our soul.

As we write-ground-capture what we learned from our experiences, we ground those connections and awarenesses into our Being – which re-calibrates our Being to move forward into a new chapter and cycle at a higher level of Being than before. This makes it conscious – so that we can remember and carry that new state with us, into the next chapter and lesson that our soul wishes to grow and evolve through. (6 pages)

Expanded Descriptions for Type by Three (the Three Essence Types)

This article is for those who wish to have more information about the three Essence types. Ayurveda is a very complex system of medicine that requires years of study to understand and practice. The intention for sharing these expanded descriptions is not for you to learn or memorize, but to have as a resource that you can refer back to that shares more correspondences that you may relate to, see in others, and find helpful when looking through the lens of Type by Three. (33 pages)

Three Essence Types Thru Seven Energy Centers

Essence doesn’t have “preferences”, likes or dislikes, cravings or indulgences. Those things are experienced by the externalized aspect of our Self that is referred to as positive or negative egotism, or False Personality. This article clarifies that the three types of Essence aren’t based on “preferences” that many subjective Ayurveda tests use, and this organizes the energies of Pitta, Kapha and Vata by the seven energy centers.

It blends and merges Tantric and Ayurvedic descriptions of Type by Three with some Taoist, Traditional Western, and Fourth Way Work descriptions, and organizes the information by the seven energy centers in layer and Type by Seven (which is a different mind-set than the chakra system that Ayurveda uses). (8 pages)